Thursday, December 17, 2009

update Dec 17

Hi Friends
Monday I finished the radiation treatments. They even presented me with a certificate of achievement award.It will take about 2 weeks for the side effects(mainly fatigue) to go away. We had a fabulous visit with the boys, went to our favorite resturaunts,to a museum,saw Jerry Sienfeld and just enjoyed each others company
I will see the oncologist on Jan7 and start another series of chemo and then they will do some scans to see what's going on, I feel positive and live one day at a time
Happy hanukah to you all
love Mar

Saturday, November 28, 2009

update Nov. 28

Hi friends
I am in good shape for the shape I'm in.I'm half way through radiation treaments so far so good.I'm keeping as active as possible and enjoying each day,treasuring family and friends.Speaking of treasures Barry and Joel will be here next week to visit the "old folks" We are really looking forward to that. Joel and Melissa keep us in Jake's life with tons of videos , photos and the computer cameras he is a pretty special guy. Hope you all had a nice holiday.
Love Mar

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Birthday Giant Hot Fudge Sundae at Sammy's!

update Oct 13

Hi friends
Things so far are going well. Going in for chemo today,.then one next Tues. then I have two weeks off before a month of radiation(5 days a week) We will be going to Seattle for a few days during the break. Got to get our Jake fix really looking forward to that!!!! I am back to my usual activities; teaching, walking,. art class,.movies etc. Joel was down last weekend . We celebrated Max's 82 birthday by going out for pizza,,salad and a gigantic hot fudge sundae was great. Thanks again for your interest and support
Love Marline

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Hi friends
Yesterday morning I went to my exercise class and in the afternoon went to chemo treatment. Both went well. Walked at La Jolla Shores today very beautiful. We talked and I,m sure repeated conversations we've had before cuz frankly we don't remember but it is fun and we laugh a lot,then lunch. I try to live each day as a gift, speaking of gifts our Jacob is getting cuter every day.Joel & Melissa are so good about sending pictures and videos on the computer. I want to thank you for your E-mails and phone calls you are all a part of my healing
Love Mar

Friday, September 11, 2009


Hi every one
Went for my fourth chemo on Tues. no side effects(knock wood) Saw Spamalot that night. It was hilarious, I loved it!! Jake's two month birthday was Thurs. He went in for his checkup and shots. He's in the 75% in weight and height ---a strong baby boy. I am feeling strong and positive and taking one day at a time. I went to my exercise class on Thurs.So nice to see everyone again and show off Jake's photos. All for now

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Jacob Arrives in San Diego!

Joel, Melissa & Jake arrived in San Diego yesterday and we all went to one of our favorites (Case De Pico) to celebrate!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

second chemo

Hi friends
Things are going well.Had my second chomo last Tues. Had a few reactions but they only lasted one day(rash and cold symtoms) I,m seeing friends, going to book club,out to dinner. Joel and Melissa are bringing Jake down next weekend, we are very EXCITED!!!! Can't wait to hold the little guy.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Hi friends
Aug. 11 started chemo
(or as my pal Bonnie calls it "healing waters'.) It went very well,. They make you very comfortable, TV, warm blankets, lots of water. It took about 2 hours, then we went to lunch, the library,nap and then one half hour of yard work(no heavy lifting) No side effects yet. Thanks again for all the calls, cards and tributes I am deeply moved
Love ya Mar

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Starting Chemotherapy

Marline begins series of 3 chemotherapy sessions this week. Once a week for 3 weeks,then sees the oncologist on the 4th week. Following this regimen she will be evaluated for additional radiation and further chemo. Gemzar is the first line drug for treatment of her cancer.

Great week for Marline, visits from friends, dinners and picnic out, the pops concert, and a webcam visit from "Jake". Here's a little pre bris video for those interested in viewing....ain't it great you don't HAVE to watch us qvell about our's your choice.. I think you may be able to get this video..could take a little while to load..

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

update Aug.4

Hi friends
Went to lunch with 3 good friends today ,had a great time. I will be starting chemo next week and then radiation. They want to zap all those cancer cells that could be hiding .I am feeling stronger and don't need as many naps (although both of us are napping these days). All most every day we get photos and videos of our darling Jacob who we will see soon. Not sure when yet. Max is doing fine still playing golf and softball,God bless him

Monday, August 3, 2009


Not a heck of a to report, blah, blah,blah, Marline doing great, went to Globe Fri. night, strange play, out to dinner with cousins Sat. night had visitors yesterday and today, wonderful friends..Jake TV is inactive at the moment.
Anyone interested in health plan debate, here's a great interview..
This is a really important interview with Wendell Potter whistle blower former Insurance executive.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The next phase Wed. July 29

Marline continues to recover nicely, although struggling somewhat with her appetite, she is plugging away at it. July 26 was Jacob's bris, and a last minute (4am) decision allowed Max to fly to Seattle for THE once in a lifetime event...Mar wanted very much to be there, but felt it was just too much, Mar had no problems being alone for a few days, thanks to you friends who continue to call and visit...
Tomorrow she has her first visit with the radiation oncologist, we will see what he has to say. Marline is absolutely thrilled with her oncologist even though just having seen him just one time. 1. He's Jewish, 2. His wife is one of her former hebrew students, 3. He's related to a very good friend of ours, 4. He's very "Hamishe"5. We bumped into him at the theater the day after meeting him and he remembered her and even gave us the result of a recent test.....what a guy!
FYI the bris was marvelous as you might expect. If anyone is interested there is a blog that has been created for can view if you care to by clicking on the link. below

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thursday July 23

Yesterday, had our first visit with the oncologist. Had a wonderful session, spent loads of time with us and explained everything to our satisfaction (assuming we understood it). He seems to be a very caring and "hamishe" guy, enjoyed talking with him very much, turns out he's a Minnesotan as is Marline and lived very close to our cousin "The Doctor" .
Seems that the medical community has no specific protocol for treating this type of cancer, there are a number of choices and various oncologists prefer various methods. We will be seeing a radiaton oncologist in the next week or so, after which he and our regular oncologist will confer and make their recommendation for future treatment. From what we heard, sounds as though Marline will most likely be using a combination of chemo and radiation therapy, time period we will not know until after our appointment and their conference.
In the meantime Marline is nearing her old self, even went to a movie after our meeting yesterday. Still somewhat fatigued, but getting stronger everyday. Starting to do a little walking and less napping. Back to reading and watching TV and looking forward to her next viewing of Jacob.
Thanks for keeping up with her, greatly "preciate" it

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday July 18

Things have finally settled down in the Gendelman household. Marline is home, getting stronger everday, beginning to be her "old" self (nagging) and just about ready to venture out into the world, that is if it weren't soo darn hot....Had a few visitors so she got to dish a little dirt with some ladies.
Contemplating a visit to Seattle, possibly for the bris, depends on how "up" Marline is for it.
In any event Bubbie will be able to cuddle Jacob in the near future either in SD or Seattle, possibly have the naming ceremony in SD in couple of months.

Once again want to thank ALL OF YOU for all the cards, calls, thoughts and prayers that have been sent Marline's way.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Follow up with the Surgeon

Haven't been "on" for a couple of days, not much happening, Today however, Marline saw the "cut" guy. He was very happy with himself, as were we. He pulled the drain out of her side...(painless), snipped each and every staple out of the incision (about 25) and told her he would see her in about 10 to 12 months. He said "the margins were clean" and the lymph nodes were clear" and the incision was healing very nicely, although the tumor was a pretty good size one 5+cm no dietary restriction, no travel restrictions, do anything you can and want to do.

She will be assigned an oncologist in a week or so, who will determine any further treatment that she may need. Couldn't have been a better day, (btw this is 51st anniversary of giving birth to her first child...Barry)

Joel has institued a new blog for Jacob, for anyone interested here's the link DEFINITELY NOT A REQUIRMENT to view..

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Picasa Web Albums - Jacob Samuel Gendelman July 10, 2009 First Photos

Picasa Web Albums - Jacob Samuel Gendelman July 10, 2009 First Photos

Day 2 for Jacob Samuel

Things continue to go very well with Marline, waiting to hear from Dr. so we might find out when she could travel so we can cuddle Jacob for the first time.
There's nothing so good in this world as having kind and thoughtful friends...Marline has to hold back tears of pure joy. everytime she talks to some one or gets a message.
BTW sorry for the read hard to read text in previous posting, thought it would read better than that.


Friday, July 10, 2009


What better news could there be???? for Marline's health.....
SHE'S FINALLY A BUBBIE!! and about time!! Melissa delivered a healthy 8lb 10oz. Jacob @ approximately 7 am..Everything went swimmingly, mother & child are doing well....
Zaydie Max

Thursday, July 9, 2009

No News is Good news

Not a thing to report.............just doodling around, Marline is fielding phone calls and napping in between....
You'd almost think she's never been away...THANK YOU EVERYBODY!! soon she'll be doing her own blogging....

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Back Home Sweet Home

Marline is home again.....she's right on schedule in every respect. Barry & I were going to play golf for a couple hours yesterday midday and Marline ruined it....she called about 8 am and said the Dr. was so pleased with her progress, she could go home!! alas there goes the golf...

We picked her up, got all the instructions and back to Verlane Drive.

Being the kind person Marline is, midday, she said "Why don't you guys go play some golf?" Need more be said? we went...what a marvelous day all around.

Today,we took Barry to the airport, his job was done, on the way back stopped at the hospital to check on something and Marline got the urge for a sub sandwich....she ate about a quarter of one after which we stopped for a little yogurt..

She will be seeing the Dr. in a few days, and we'll find out what happens from here on out.

THANKS AGAIN TO ONE AND ALL !! for all your calls, cards,concerns, and prayers. they all helped.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


9:30 am

On my way to bring Marline home!!! She called this morning and they've taken out the IVs and she has has her discharge papers.... talk to you all later...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday July 5

Things continue to go very well with Marline, talked to her by phone this morning, she's been moved to another room, had a very noisy roommate.
Surgeon was in and was very pleased with progress, she's having liquids and will be allowed some solids today. She's walking,talking, and has virtually no pain. We're extremely happy at the way things look now. Dr. is waiting for some tests to come back before sending her home...
She's being kept informed re: all her friends concerns and inquiries. THANKS LOADS!! She loves you all!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Update from Joel (on the 4th of July)

Another quick update on Mom - I just spoke with Barry and she's feeling better today than yesterday and did indeed have some soup, some jello and had the catheter removed - she's not big but she's scrappy! It normally takes a few days for the stomach to come out of the shock but she seems to be ahead of schedule. More walking today as that's the best thing for recovery. We keep her posted on everyone asking and checking in on her - it makes a big difference!

On the baby front - no news yet. Melissa is doing well and we're all ready when our little boy (Jacob Samuel) is ready to make his debut!

Happy 4th and love to all, Joel

Happy Fourth of July!

This a.m. replayed all the "best wish" messages on the answering machine, I'm sure that those I haven't been able to talk to will understand why.
Marline is being kept abreast of all your prayers and good thoughts..
Things are progressing nicely, yesterday Mar was up and took 2 short strolls down the corridor. She's not a allowed anything to eat or drink as yet, being kept pretty free of pain. Had a couple of friends & relatives visit. She gets very tired, so please check with her before visiting and keep your visit short.
Just spoke to her this morning, she's going to get a little Jello....good sign..
Barry & Wendy have been sharing hospital duty with me and it's great having them in town.
For anyone interested in the procedure that Marline had done, just go to Google and put in
"Distal Pancreatectomy"



Happy Fourth of July

Friday, July 3, 2009

Day after surgery

Have Marline & I got the greatest sons in the world!!!

Joel said pretty much all the best news, just want to add that Mar was very lucid and in no pain at all when I left her last night....think they might be getting her up to sit in a chair today.... Dr. was very pleased with the way she came through it....was very beneficial that she is in such good health in most other respects.....For though of you who used to chuckle when she "kvetched" about this pain and that (especially me)....I have to believe that her hypocondrichial tendency may very well have been an important factor and contributed mightily to being able to have surgery for this horrible disease... Well keep you all posted.....THANKS LOADS FOR ALL THE KIND WORDS, CALLS, THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Update on Mom's Surgery (posted by Joel)

Mom went in the hospital this morning at 5:30am with Dad, Barry and Wendy who came in from NYC the day before. I've remained in Seattle with Melissa (she's due with our son - Jacob Samuel on Monday the 6th) and her mom and step-dad who have been just wonderful to have with us - a real godsend.

The surgery began at 7:30am and lasted for 2 to 2.5 hours. The surgeon indicated that the surgery went well and that there were no surprises in terms of the tumor and what else they were able to see which is very good. Mom's blood pressure was good the entire time and she's just come out of post-op and into her room. Barry, Wendy and Dad are with her and she's still sedated, in a little bit of pain but conscious and awake. Not sure what next steps are but first is to get her on the recovery path each and every day. They are sending some samples to L.A. to see if there are any other cancer cells present.

We'll keep this blog up-to-date and thank you for all your love, concern, cards and calls. It really does help and I know my Mom and all of us are so thankful.

All our love, Joel

Monday, June 29, 2009

Mon eve June 29

Hi all
Went to dinner with some friends.... good time . Barry and Wendy will be here tomorrow nite. Joel will stay inSeattle for the birth of Jacob Samuel .That;s where he needs to be My surgery will be very early Thurs. a m Thanks again for all the hopefull messages Love you all

Monday, June 22, 2009


Thanks evereyone for your cards , phone calls , visits it all really helps. I am going to have the surgery at Kaiser on July 2. Making a decision has lessened some of the stress. We had a nice Father'sDay it was beautiful in S.D. went to out door concert and dinner.We of course talked to our 2 amazing sons. Joel, Barry& Wendy will be here for my surgery and our new grandson is expected any time. I am looking forward to holding him in my arms

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thurs. June 18

Hi everyone,
Went to a new surgeon today . They all say the same thing it's just a question of who & when.Decision needs to be made very soon.Also had a cracked molar removed today.
It was too complicated to save so out it went .They sedated me That was good.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Health update.......

June 9 had meeting with Kaiser surgeon Dr. Dinerman who recommended a "distal pancreatectomy" we scheduled it for July 20 which was the earliest date he could do it.

June 10 after family discussion decided we needed to try and do something before the 20th.
contacted Kaiser requested earlier date for surgery regardless of which surgeon. Surgery moved up to July 2 with different surgeon second opinion appointment @ UCSD Moore's Cancer Center, with Dr. Lowy ,prof. of Surgery,Chief Division of Surgical Oncology.

Tuesday June 16.....Had 2nd opinion consult with Dr. Andrew Lowy @ Moore's Cancer Center at UCSD who confirmed Dr. Dinerman diagnoses and recommended same treatment..."Distal Pancreatectomy"....
Surgery expected to take about 3 hours, 5 to 7 days in hospital...Dr. Lowy could do it NEXT week, monday or wednesday. Kaiser would do it July 2nd..

Ball is now in our court......decision is just which facility and which surgeon...and when...