Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Health update.......

June 9 had meeting with Kaiser surgeon Dr. Dinerman who recommended a "distal pancreatectomy" we scheduled it for July 20 which was the earliest date he could do it.

June 10 after family discussion decided we needed to try and do something before the 20th.
contacted Kaiser requested earlier date for surgery regardless of which surgeon. Surgery moved up to July 2 with different surgeon

July11...got second opinion appointment @ UCSD Moore's Cancer Center, with Dr. Lowy ,prof. of Surgery,Chief Division of Surgical Oncology.

Tuesday June 16.....Had 2nd opinion consult with Dr. Andrew Lowy @ Moore's Cancer Center at UCSD who confirmed Dr. Dinerman diagnoses and recommended same treatment..."Distal Pancreatectomy"....
Surgery expected to take about 3 hours, 5 to 7 days in hospital...Dr. Lowy could do it NEXT week, monday or wednesday. Kaiser would do it July 2nd..

Ball is now in our court......decision is just which facility and which surgeon...and when...


Susan said...

Marline, thank you for sending this out. It's a great way to keep us informed. We love you and want to know. Yes, did you really need a tooth problem now? Oye.

Anonymous said...

sorry that you have this problem
As a surgeon;pick the most experienced
don't push the date if it means that you are settling for second best

a week or two doesn't mean that much
this comes from Jerry p

Unknown said...

Marline..This blog site is a great idea. Your Aunt Sue said it all for me. You are in my thoughts daily...love, Marge

Susan said...

Marline, we will be thinking of you next week. Please have someone update the blog and I will tell the class. You know we have a long break, from July 18th - Sept 8th. This gives you plenty of time to mend.

You grandson is a lucky boy, what a great family to be born into. You are gonna love being a grandma/Bubby. We also want to hear about his birth.

Hugs, Susan