Thursday, July 2, 2009

Update on Mom's Surgery (posted by Joel)

Mom went in the hospital this morning at 5:30am with Dad, Barry and Wendy who came in from NYC the day before. I've remained in Seattle with Melissa (she's due with our son - Jacob Samuel on Monday the 6th) and her mom and step-dad who have been just wonderful to have with us - a real godsend.

The surgery began at 7:30am and lasted for 2 to 2.5 hours. The surgeon indicated that the surgery went well and that there were no surprises in terms of the tumor and what else they were able to see which is very good. Mom's blood pressure was good the entire time and she's just come out of post-op and into her room. Barry, Wendy and Dad are with her and she's still sedated, in a little bit of pain but conscious and awake. Not sure what next steps are but first is to get her on the recovery path each and every day. They are sending some samples to L.A. to see if there are any other cancer cells present.

We'll keep this blog up-to-date and thank you for all your love, concern, cards and calls. It really does help and I know my Mom and all of us are so thankful.

All our love, Joel

1 comment:

Susan said...

Thank you so much Joel. I have been thinking about your mom since last night and throughout this day. Marline is full of "spunk" and I see her beating this. Stay in touch.

Hugs, Susan