Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!

This a.m. replayed all the "best wish" messages on the answering machine, I'm sure that those I haven't been able to talk to will understand why.
Marline is being kept abreast of all your prayers and good thoughts..
Things are progressing nicely, yesterday Mar was up and took 2 short strolls down the corridor. She's not a allowed anything to eat or drink as yet, being kept pretty free of pain. Had a couple of friends & relatives visit. She gets very tired, so please check with her before visiting and keep your visit short.
Just spoke to her this morning, she's going to get a little Jello....good sign..
Barry & Wendy have been sharing hospital duty with me and it's great having them in town.
For anyone interested in the procedure that Marline had done, just go to Google and put in
"Distal Pancreatectomy"



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