Tuesday, April 20, 2010

good news

Hi friends and family
We have had a couple of crazy weeks. On March 26 all the kids came in town. We had a wonderful week .family seder.trip to Rancho Mirage and playing with and just staring at Jake.A few days after everyone left I went to emergency with a cough and fever,turns out I had pneumonia.I stayed in the hospital from Fri. to Tues while they tried to get my white blood count and fever down.
Max had an appointment in L A on Mon. for another biopsy of his bladder cancer.I of course couldn't go so he drove up on Sun. ,stayed with cousin Mary(thank God for her) Meanwhile Joel flew to S.D. on Sun.,Took the train to L.A. on Mon. and got to the medical center just as Max was coming out of recovery They drove home and even stopped at the deli for dinner.Whew I'm exhausted just writing about it!
Yesterday I went to my oncologist,he was pleased with my scans so no more treatments.I'll see him in 6 weeks for a follow up Max also heard from
his doctor they will treat the cancer with meds in the bladder not surgery Very good news!!!
Thanks every one for your concerns .Looks like we will be around for a while.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

been a while

Hi every one.We have hit another bump in the road.Max has been diagnosed with bladder cancer. He will have another biopsy in a few weeks to see what the treatment will be, as one of my cousins said "He couldn't stand all the attention you were getting"We are surprisingly calm about the situation.
I am doing well and will have my last chemo (hopefully) on March 30.Barry,Wendy,Joel,Melissa and Jake are all coming to S.D. on March 26 we'll have Passover together.They are the best support system any one could have!! Jake is getting his first teeth,we see photos and videos and talk to him through the computer all the time.
So mentally and physically we are hanging in there and taking one day at a time.
Love you all
Marline & Max

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Update from Seattle (Jan 2010)

Hi friends!

We are having a faboulous time in Seattle, feeding, playing with and just staring at our gorgeous grandson Jake. We got here Saturday and babysat so Joel and Melissa could have a date night. Today was a busy day - we took Jake to his music class (no he's not learning to play an instrument although he does put everything in his mouth). He also had a doctors appointment - he's doing great! We are leaving tomorrow night.

Last Thursday, I saw my oncologist - we will start the next round of chemo on January 18th. I actually weigh 117lbs - yay!! Max weighs slighty more.

All for now, will keep you posted. Love, Mar.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

update Dec 17

Hi Friends
Monday I finished the radiation treatments. They even presented me with a certificate of achievement award.It will take about 2 weeks for the side effects(mainly fatigue) to go away. We had a fabulous visit with the boys, went to our favorite resturaunts,to a museum,saw Jerry Sienfeld and just enjoyed each others company
I will see the oncologist on Jan7 and start another series of chemo and then they will do some scans to see what's going on, I feel positive and live one day at a time
Happy hanukah to you all
love Mar

Saturday, November 28, 2009

update Nov. 28

Hi friends
I am in good shape for the shape I'm in.I'm half way through radiation treaments so far so good.I'm keeping as active as possible and enjoying each day,treasuring family and friends.Speaking of treasures Barry and Joel will be here next week to visit the "old folks" We are really looking forward to that. Joel and Melissa keep us in Jake's life with tons of videos , photos and the computer cameras he is a pretty special guy. Hope you all had a nice holiday.
Love Mar