Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The next phase Wed. July 29

Marline continues to recover nicely, although struggling somewhat with her appetite, she is plugging away at it. July 26 was Jacob's bris, and a last minute (4am) decision allowed Max to fly to Seattle for THE once in a lifetime event...Mar wanted very much to be there, but felt it was just too much, Mar had no problems being alone for a few days, thanks to you friends who continue to call and visit...
Tomorrow she has her first visit with the radiation oncologist, we will see what he has to say. Marline is absolutely thrilled with her oncologist even though just having seen him just one time. 1. He's Jewish, 2. His wife is one of her former hebrew students, 3. He's related to a very good friend of ours, 4. He's very "Hamishe"5. We bumped into him at the theater the day after meeting him and he remembered her and even gave us the result of a recent test.....what a guy!
FYI the bris was marvelous as you might expect. If anyone is interested there is a blog that has been created for can view if you care to by clicking on the link. below

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