Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Back Home Sweet Home

Marline is home again.....she's right on schedule in every respect. Barry & I were going to play golf for a couple hours yesterday midday and Marline ruined it....she called about 8 am and said the Dr. was so pleased with her progress, she could go home!! alas there goes the golf...

We picked her up, got all the instructions and back to Verlane Drive.

Being the kind person Marline is, midday, she said "Why don't you guys go play some golf?" Need more be said? we went...what a marvelous day all around.

Today,we took Barry to the airport, his job was done, on the way back stopped at the hospital to check on something and Marline got the urge for a sub sandwich....she ate about a quarter of one after which we stopped for a little yogurt..

She will be seeing the Dr. in a few days, and we'll find out what happens from here on out.

THANKS AGAIN TO ONE AND ALL !! for all your calls, cards,concerns, and prayers. they all helped.


jgendelman said...

Welcome home mom!! We love you! Joel & Melissa

Maureen Haider said...

Wonderful pic! Wonderful YOU! Still thinking about you and saying prayers every day. Still waiting to hear from above commenters so looking forward to the next big thing! YOU GO GRANDMA!!! Love, Maureen


Dear Mar:

So glad you are home and eating sub sandwiches! That is good practice for being a grandmother.
Keep getting better every day.

I love you lots!


Susan said...

Marline, you are amazing. Keep up the good work, don't over do though. Be well. Hope to talk soon.

Hugs, Susan

Unknown said...

Hey, Marline, great to hear your progress - keep it up. We are both so pleased with your being home with the family around you and eating a Subway yet!! We will keep "listening" for your updates. Sheree and Mickey

Princess said...

So glad you are home and look great. Now, next being a grandmother to Jacob.
Ron and Debi Heaton
(Melissa's Uncle and Aunt)

Unknown said...

Welcome home! How nice it must feel to be in your own bed again and in familiar surroundings. Hurray for the Submarine sandwich. If you aren't going to eat the rest of it, let me know. I love Subway sandwiches!
P.S. Evey sends her warm wishes to the soon-to-be grandma.