Tuesday, October 13, 2009

update Oct 13

Hi friends
Things so far are going well. Going in for chemo today,.then one next Tues. then I have two weeks off before a month of radiation(5 days a week) We will be going to Seattle for a few days during the break. Got to get our Jake fix really looking forward to that!!!! I am back to my usual activities; teaching, walking,. art class,.movies etc. Joel was down last weekend . We celebrated Max's 82 birthday by going out for pizza,,salad and a gigantic hot fudge sundae was great. Thanks again for your interest and support
Love Marline

1 comment:

Larry & Evey said...

So glad to hear that things are going well! We'll keep checking the blog to keep posted.
That hot fudge sundae looks scrumptous. Happy Birthday, Max!