Tuesday, April 20, 2010

good news

Hi friends and family
We have had a couple of crazy weeks. On March 26 all the kids came in town. We had a wonderful week .family seder.trip to Rancho Mirage and playing with and just staring at Jake.A few days after everyone left I went to emergency with a cough and fever,turns out I had pneumonia.I stayed in the hospital from Fri. to Tues while they tried to get my white blood count and fever down.
Max had an appointment in L A on Mon. for another biopsy of his bladder cancer.I of course couldn't go so he drove up on Sun. ,stayed with cousin Mary(thank God for her) Meanwhile Joel flew to S.D. on Sun.,Took the train to L.A. on Mon. and got to the medical center just as Max was coming out of recovery They drove home and even stopped at the deli for dinner.Whew I'm exhausted just writing about it!
Yesterday I went to my oncologist,he was pleased with my scans so no more treatments.I'll see him in 6 weeks for a follow up Max also heard from
his doctor they will treat the cancer with meds in the bladder not surgery Very good news!!!
Thanks every one for your concerns .Looks like we will be around for a while.