Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Hi friends
Yesterday morning I went to my exercise class and in the afternoon went to chemo treatment. Both went well. Walked at La Jolla Shores today very beautiful. We talked and I,m sure repeated conversations we've had before cuz frankly we don't remember but it is fun and we laugh a lot,then lunch. I try to live each day as a gift, speaking of gifts our Jacob is getting cuter every day.Joel & Melissa are so good about sending pictures and videos on the computer. I want to thank you for your E-mails and phone calls you are all a part of my healing
Love Mar

Friday, September 11, 2009


Hi every one
Went for my fourth chemo on Tues. no side effects(knock wood) Saw Spamalot that night. It was hilarious, I loved it!! Jake's two month birthday was Thurs. He went in for his checkup and shots. He's in the 75% in weight and height ---a strong baby boy. I am feeling strong and positive and taking one day at a time. I went to my exercise class on Thurs.So nice to see everyone again and show off Jake's photos. All for now