Saturday, August 29, 2009

Jacob Arrives in San Diego!

Joel, Melissa & Jake arrived in San Diego yesterday and we all went to one of our favorites (Case De Pico) to celebrate!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

second chemo

Hi friends
Things are going well.Had my second chomo last Tues. Had a few reactions but they only lasted one day(rash and cold symtoms) I,m seeing friends, going to book club,out to dinner. Joel and Melissa are bringing Jake down next weekend, we are very EXCITED!!!! Can't wait to hold the little guy.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Hi friends
Aug. 11 started chemo
(or as my pal Bonnie calls it "healing waters'.) It went very well,. They make you very comfortable, TV, warm blankets, lots of water. It took about 2 hours, then we went to lunch, the library,nap and then one half hour of yard work(no heavy lifting) No side effects yet. Thanks again for all the calls, cards and tributes I am deeply moved
Love ya Mar

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Starting Chemotherapy

Marline begins series of 3 chemotherapy sessions this week. Once a week for 3 weeks,then sees the oncologist on the 4th week. Following this regimen she will be evaluated for additional radiation and further chemo. Gemzar is the first line drug for treatment of her cancer.

Great week for Marline, visits from friends, dinners and picnic out, the pops concert, and a webcam visit from "Jake". Here's a little pre bris video for those interested in viewing....ain't it great you don't HAVE to watch us qvell about our's your choice.. I think you may be able to get this video..could take a little while to load..

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

update Aug.4

Hi friends
Went to lunch with 3 good friends today ,had a great time. I will be starting chemo next week and then radiation. They want to zap all those cancer cells that could be hiding .I am feeling stronger and don't need as many naps (although both of us are napping these days). All most every day we get photos and videos of our darling Jacob who we will see soon. Not sure when yet. Max is doing fine still playing golf and softball,God bless him

Monday, August 3, 2009


Not a heck of a to report, blah, blah,blah, Marline doing great, went to Globe Fri. night, strange play, out to dinner with cousins Sat. night had visitors yesterday and today, wonderful friends..Jake TV is inactive at the moment.
Anyone interested in health plan debate, here's a great interview..
This is a really important interview with Wendell Potter whistle blower former Insurance executive.